Tuesday, September 21


08.45:  Conference Opening

Gilbert Declerck


09.00: Joint Plenary  Keynote Presentation 1

            Chair: Gilbert Declerck, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium

            Speaker: Carel van der Poel, Philips, The Netherlands

            “On Ambient Intelligence, Needful Things and Process Technology”


09.40:  Coffee Break




Chair: Yann Deval, BTS Audivisual, Draguignan, France


10.25:  C1.1: A wideband high-linearity RF receiver front-end in CMOS

            V.J. Arkesteijn, E.A.M. Klumperink, B. Nauta

            MESA+, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands


10.50:  C1.2: Silicon bipolar Up and Down-converters for 5 GHz WLAN applications

            E. Ragonese, A. Italia, L. La Paglia1, G. Palmisano

            DIEES, University of Catania, Italy

1STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy


11.15:  C1.3: An integrated low power CMOS baseband analog design for direct conversion receiver (S)

            M. Lee, I. Kwon1, K. Lee1

            Telecommunications Network, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea

            1KAIST, Daejeon, Korea 


            C1.4: 60 GHz transceiver circuits in SiGe:C BiCMOS technology (S)

            W. Winkler, J. Borngräber, H. Gustat, F. Korndörfer

            IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany


11.40:  C1.5: L1/2 Dual-band CMOS GPS receiver

            J. Kim, S. Cho, J. Ko

            PHYCHIPS Inc., Daejeon, Korea 


12.05:  C1.6: 2.4 GHz receiver for sensor applications

            J.A. Järvinen, J. Kaukovuori, J. Ryynänen, J. Jussila1, K. Kivekäs1,                     K.A.I. Halonen

            Electronic Circuit Design Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

            1Nokia Research center, Helsinki, Finland




Chair: William Redman-White, Southampton University, United Kingdom


10.25:  C2.1: A multi-continuously-tunable lowpass filter for zero-IF mobile applications

            D. Chamla1,2, A. Kaiser1, A. Cathelin2, D. Belot2

            1IEMN/ISEN, Lille, France

            2STMicroelectronis, Crolles, France


10.50:  C2.2: Low-power widely tunable Gm-C filter with an adaptive DC blocking, triode-biased MOSFET transconductor

            S. Hori, T. Maeda, N. Matsuno, H. Hida

            System Devices Research Laboratories, NEC Corp., Tsukuba, Japan


11.15:  C2.3: A Gm-C baseband filter with automatic frequency tuning for a direct conversion IEEE802 wireless LAN receiver

            B. Shi, W. Shan

            Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Science Park II, Singapore


11.40:  C2.4: Temperature stabilized tunable Gm-C filter for very low frequencies

            P. Bruschi, G. Barillaro, F. Pieri, M. Piotto1

            University of Pisa, Italy

            1IEIIT-Sezione di Pisa, CNR, Pisa, Italy


12.05:  C2.5: A highly linear pseudo-differential transconductance (S)

            F. Bahmani, E. Sánchez-Sinencio

            Department Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, U.S.A.


            C2.6: A high-linear 160 MHz CMOS PGA (S)

            B. Calvo, S. Celma, M.T. Sanz

             Electronic Design, University of Zaragoza, Spain.




Chair: Marc Tiebout, Infineon, Munich, Germany



10.25:  C3.1: Performance degradation of an LC-tank VCO by impact of digital switching noise

            C. Soens1,2, G. van der Plas1, P. Wambacq1,2, S. Donnay1

            1IMEC, Leuven, Belgium

            2Free University of Brussels (VUB), Brussel, Belgium




10.50:  C3.2: A technique to reduce flicker noise up-conversion in CMOS LC voltage-controlled oscillators

            H.N. Shanan, M.P. Kennedy1

            Analog Devices, Ireland

            1Department of Microelectronic Engineering, University College Cork, Ireland


11.15:  C3.3: A harmonic quadrature LO generator using a 90º delay-locked loop

            J. Craninckx, V. Gravot, S. Donnay

            IMEC, Leuven. Belgium


11.40:  C3.4: LC-oscillators above 100 GHz in silicon-based technology (S)

            W. Winkler, J. Borngräber, B. Heinemann

            IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany


            C3.5: 55 GHz CMOS frequency divider with 32 GHz locking range (S)

            K. Yamamoto, M. Fujishima

            School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan


12.05:  C3.6: A wideband CMOS VCO for zero-IF GSM-CDMA single-chip transceiver (S)

K. Manetakis, D. Jessie, C. Narathong

Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, San Diego, U.S.A.



12.30:  Lunch Break



14.00: Joint Plenary Keynote Presentation 2

            Chair: Michiel Steyaert, KU Leuven, Belgium

            Speaker: Takayasy Sakurai, University of Tokyo, Japan

            “Low power digital circuits”


14.45:  ESSCIRC Plenary Session 1

            Chair: M. Punzenberger, Infineon, Germany

            Speaker: John Farserotu, CSEM, Lausanne, Switzerland

"UWB considerations for MAGNET (My "Personal Global Adaptive Network”) systems"




Chair: Manfred Punzenberger, Infineon, Germany                


15.25:  C4.1: Transconductance with capacitances feedback compensation for multistage amplifiers

            X. Peng, W. Sansen

            ESAT-MICAS, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


15.50:  C4.2: A 0.5 V bulk-input fully differential operational transconductance amplifier

            S. Chatterjee, Y. Tsividis, P. Kinget

            Dept Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.


16.15:  C4.3: A 14 V high speed driver in 5 V only 0.35 mm standard CMOS

            D. Killat, O. Salzmann, A. Baumgärtner

            Dialog Semiconductor, Kirchheim-Teck, Germany





Chair: Miki Moyal, Xignal, Germany



15.25:  C5.1: A 0.22 mm2 7.25 mW per-channel audio stereo-DAC with 97 dB-DR and 39 dB SNRout

            V. Colonna, M. Annovazzi, G. Boarin, G. Gandolfi, F. Stefani, A. Baschirotto1

            STMicroelectronics, Cornaredo, Italy

            1Department of Engineering, University of Lecce, Italy


15.50:  C5.2: A digital modulator with bandpass delta-sigma modulator (S)

            J. Sommarek, J. Vankka, J. Ketola, J. Lindeberg, K. Halonen

            Electronic Circuit Design Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland


            C5.3: Low-Power 14-bit current steering DAC for ADSL 2+/CO applications in 0.13 mm CMOS (S)

            D. Giotta, P. Pessl, M. clara, W.Klatzer, R. Gaggl

            Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach, Austria


16.15:  C5.4: A 14 bit 130 MHz CMOS current-steering DAC with adjustable INL (S)

            T. Chen, P. Geens, G. Van der Plas, W. Dehaene, G. Gielen

            ESAT-MICAS, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium




Chair: Harry Veendrick, Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands



15.25:  C6.1: A power cut-off technique for gate leakage suppression

            M. Draždžiulis, P. Larsson-Edefors, D. Eckerbert, H. Eriksson

            VLSI Research Group, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden


15.50:  C6.2: Efficiency of body biasing in 90 nm CMOS for low power digital circuits

            K. von Arnim1,2, E. Borinski1,3, P. Seegebrecht2, H. Fiedler3, R. Brederlow1,            R. Thewes1, J. Berthold1, C. Pacha1

            1Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany

            2Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Kiel, Germany

            3University of Dortmund, Germany


16.15:  C6.3: Charge recycling sense amplifier based logic: securing low power security IC’s against DPA

            K. Tiri1, I. Verbauwhede1,2

            UCLA Electrical Engineering Department, California, U.S.A.

            KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


16.40: Coffee Break 




Chair: Piero Malcovati, University of Pavia, Italy



17.00:  C7.1: A 3 mW continuous-time ED-modulator for EDGE/GSM with high adjacent channel tolerance

M. Schimper, L. Dörrer1, E. Riccio, G. Panov

            Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany

            1Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach, Austria


17.25:  C7.2: A Sigma-Delta modulator with bitstream-controlled dynamic element matching

            M.A.P. Pertijs, J.H. Huijsing

            DIMES, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


17.50:  C7.3: A 120 dB 300 mW stereo audio A/D converter with 110 dB THD+N (S)

            A. Prasad, A. Chokhawala, K. Thompson, J. Melanson

            1Cirrus Logic, Austin, U.S.A.




Chair: Damien Macq, Université de Mons, Belgium



17.00:  C8.1: A 48-860 MHz TV splitter amplifier exhibiting an HP2 and HP3 of 94 dBmV and 73 dBmV

J. van Sinderen, M. Notten, E. Stikvoort, F. Seneschal

            1Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

            2Philips Semiconductor, Caen, France


17.25:  C8.2: A 5.0 mW 0dB FSK transmitter for 315/433 MHz ISM applications in 0.25 mm CMOS

            N. Boom, W. Rens, J. Crols

            AnSem, Heverlee, Belgium 


17.50:  C8.3: A 5.2 GHz silicon bipolar power amplifier for IEEE 802.11a and HIPERLAN2 wireless LANs

            A. Scuderi, F. Carrara1, G. Palmisano1

            STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy

            1DIEES, University of Catania, Catania, Italy



Session C9: MEMORIES

Chair: Wim Dehaene, KU Leuven, Belgium



17.00:  C9.1: 4 Mb MOSFET-selected phase-change memory experimental chip

F. Bedeschi1, R. Bez2, C. Boffino3,4, E. Bonizzoni, E. Buda1, G. Casagrande1,      L. Costa1, M. Ferraro1, R. Gastaldi1, O. Khouri1, F. Ottogalli2, F. Pellizzer2,        A. Pirovano2, C. Resta1,3, G. Torelli3, M. Tosi2

            1STMicroelectronics, Agrate-Brianza,Italy

2STMicroelectronics, Central R&D, Agrate-Brianza, Italy

3University of Pavia, Italy


17.25:  C9.2: Variability analysis for sub-100 nm PD/SOICMOS SRAM cell

            R.V. Joshi, S. Mukhopadhyay1, D.W. Plass2, Y.J. Chan2, C.-T. Chuang,              A. Devgan

            IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, U.S.A.

            1Purdue University, West Lafayette, U.S.A.

            2IBM Systems Group, Poughkeepsie, U.S.A.


17.50:  C9.3: A high density, low leakage, 5T SRAM for embedded caches (S)

            I. Carlson, S. Andersson, S. Natarajan, A. Alvandpour

Department Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden


C9.4: The impact of random doping effects on CMOS SRAM cell (S)

B. Cheng, S. Roy, A. Asenov

Device Modeling Group, University of Glasgow, Scotland


19.00: Welcome Reception


Wednesday, September 22



08.40: Joint Plenary  Keynote Presentation 2

            Chair: Robert Mertens, IMEC, Belgium

            Speaker: Roland Thewes, Infineon, Germany

            “Integrated circuits for the biology to silicon interface”



09.20:  Coffee Break


09.45:  ESSCIRC Plenary Session 2

            Chair: P. Mole, Elantec Semiconductor, UK

            Speaker: Martin Vertregt, Philips, The Netherlands

"The impact of CMOS scaling on analog CMOS circuit design and performance"




Chair: Peter Mole, Elantec Semiconductor, UK



10.25:  C10.1: A 2.4 GHz bandwidth OEIC with voltage-up-converter

            R. Swoboda, J. Knorr, H. Zimmermann

            Vienna University of Technology, Austria


10.50:  C10.2: Ultra high-compliance CMOS current mirrors for low voltage charge pumps and references

            O. Charlon1, W. Redman-White1,2

            1Philips Semiconductors, San Jose, U.S.A.

            2University of Southampton, United Kingdom


11.15:  C10.3: Power-efficient super class AB OTAs

            A.J. López-Martin, S. Baswa, J. Ramirez-Angulo, R.G. Carvajal

            1Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

            2New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, U.S.A.

            3Dept. Electronic Engineering, University of Seville, Spain


11.40:  C10.4: A CMOS V-I converter with 75 dB SFDR and 360 mW power consumption

            S. Ouzounov, E. Roza1, H. Hegt, G. van der Weide1, A. van Roermond

            Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

            1Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands




12.05:  C10.5: 1.5 GHz opamp in 120 nm digital CMOS (S)

            F. Schlögl, H. Zimmermann

            Technical University Wien, Austria


            C10.6: Thermally optimized demagnetization of inductive loads (S)

            W. Horn, P. Singerl

            Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach, Austria




Session C11: PIPELINE & SAR

Chair: Klaas Bult, Bradcom Netherlands, Netherlands



10.25:  C11.1: A 97 mW 110 MS/s pipeline ADC implemented in a 0.18 mm digital CMOS

            T.N. Anderson, A. Briskemyr, F. Telstø, J. Bjørnsen, T.E. Bonnerud, B. Hernes, Ø. Modsvor

            1Nordic VLSI AS, Trondheim, Norway


10.50:  C11.2: A 0.11 mm2 low-power A/D-converter cell for 10b 10 MS/s operation

            D. Muthers, R. Tielers

            University of Kaiserslautern, Germany


11.15:  C11.3: A 2.7 mW 1 MPSps 10b analog-to-digital converter with built-in reference buffer and 1 LSB accuracy programmable input ranges

            P. Confalonieri, M. Zamprogno, F. Girardi, G. Nicollini, A. Nagari

            STMicroelectronics, Agrate-Brianza,  Italy


11.40:  C11.4: A configurable time-interleaved pipeline ADC for multi-standard wireless receivers (S)

            V. Xia, A. Valdes-Garcia, E. Sánchez-Sinencio

            Analog and Mixed signal center, Texas A&M University, U.S.A.





Chair: Angel Rodríguez-Vázquez, IMSE-SNM (CSIC), Sevilla, Spain



10.25:  C12.1: A 1.8 V, 10 Gbps fully integrated CMOS optical receiver analog front end

            W.-Z. Chen, Y.-L. Cheng1, D.-S.Lin

            Dept Electronics Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan

            1Dept Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan


10.50:  C12.2: Optical receiver IC for CD/DVD/blue-laser applications

            J. Sturm, M. Leifhelm, H. Schatzmayyr, S. Groiss, H. Zimmerman1

            Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach, Austria

            1Technical University Vienna EMST, Wien, Austria


11.15:  C12.3: Design of low noise CMOS OEIC for blu-ray disc optical storage systems (S)

            M. Giardina, A Stek, G.W. de Jong, J.R.M. Bergervoet

            Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


            C12.4: Two high-speed optical front-ends with integrated photodiodes in standard 0.18 mm CMOS (S)

            C. Hermans, P.Leroux, M. Steyaert

            ESAT-MICAS,KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


11.40:  C12.5: 5 Gbps 0.35 mm CMOS driver for laser diode or optical modulator

            L. Ti, T. Huang, J. Feng, Z. Wang, M. Xiong

            Institute of RF-& OE –ICs, Southeast University, Nanjing, China


12.05:  C12.6: Burst-mode transmitter for 1.25 Gbs/s Ethernet PON applications

            Y.-H. Oh, Q. Le, S.-G. Lee, N.D.B. Yen, H.-Y. Kang1, T.-W. Yoo1

            Information and Communications University (ICU), Daejeon, Korea

            1ETRI, Daejeon, Korea



12.30:  Lunch Break




14.00: Joint Plenary Keynote Presentation 3

            Chair: Rudolf Koch, Infineon, Germany

            Speaker: Quitung Huang, Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH, Switzerland

            “Low voltage and low power aspects of data converter design”





Chair: Sven Matissen, Ericsson Mobile, Sweden



15.00:  C13.1: An inductor-based 52 GHz 0.18 mm SiGe HBT cascode LNA with 22 dB gain

            M. Gordon, S.P. Voinigescu

            University of Toronto, Canada


15.25:  C13.2: A 5 GHz fully integrated ESD-protected low-noise amplifier in 90 nm RF CMOS

D. Linten1,2, S.Thys1, M.I. Natarajan1, P. Wambacq1,2, W. Jeamsaksiriv1,                 J. Ramos1, A. Mercha1, S. Jenei1, S. Donnay1, S. Decoutere1

            1IMEC, Leuven, Belgium

            2Free University Brussels (VUB), Brussels, Belgium


15.50:  C13.3: A 5 GHz low-noise amplifier with inductive ESD protection exceeding 3 kV HBM

            P. Leroux, M. Steyaert

            ESAT-MICAS, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium




Chair: T. Noll, RWTH Aachen University, Germany                  


15.00:  C14.1: A digital CMOS micro-hotplate array for analysis of environmentally relevant gases

            E. Frey, M. Graf, S. Taschini, K.-U. Kirstein, C. Hagleitner1, A. Hierlemann,        H. Baltes

            Physical Electronics Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

            1IBM Research, Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon, Switzerland


15.25:  C14.2: VLSI implementation of the sphere decoding algorithm

            A. Burg, M. Wenk, M. Zellweger, M. Wegmueller, N. Felber, W. Fichtner

            Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland 


15.50:  C14.3: Towards AES crypto-chip resistant to different power analysis

            N. Pramstaller, F.K. Gürkaynak1, S. Haene1, K. Kaeslin2, N. Felber1, W. Fichtner1

            University of Graz, Austria

            1Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

            2Microelectronic Design Center, ETH Zurich, Switzerland




Chair: Stefan Rusu, Intel, USA


15.00:  C15.1: A delay-encoding-logic array processor for dynamic programming matching

            M. Ogawa, T. Shibata

            Department Frontier Informatics, University of Tokyo, Japan 


15.25:  C15.2: A power-efficient 4-PAM signaling scheme with conventional encoder in space for chip-to-chip communication

            K. Farzan, D.A.Johns

            Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada 


15.50:  C15.3: Dual-level LVDS technique for reducing the data transmission lines by half of LCD driver IC (S)

            S.-H. Kim, S.-H. Yang, K.-R. Cho

            Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea


            C15.4: Adaptive threshold scheme to operate long on-chip buses at the limit of signal integrity (S)

A.    Katoch, M. Garg, E. Seevinck, H. Veendrick1

Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

1Circuit Research International, Nijmegen, The Netherlands



16.15:  Coffee Break



Session C16: RF SYSTEMS

Chair: Didier Belot, STMicroelectronics, USA



16.40:  C16.1: On-chip versus off-chip passives in multi-band radio design

            X. Duo, T. Torikka, L-.R. Zheng, M. Ismail1, H. Tenhunen

            Laboratory of Electronics and Computer Systems, KTH, Kista, Sweden

1Spirea AB, Stockholm, Sweden


17.05:  C16.2: A mixed-signal integrated circuit for FM-DCSK modulation

            M. Delgrado-Restituto, A.J. Acosta, A. Rodríguez-Vazquez

            IMSE-SNM (CSIC), Sevilla, Spain


17.30:  C16.3: Design of a highly integrated tuner suitable for analog and digital TV systems

            R. Berenguer, E. Hernández, N. Rodríguez, I. Cendoya1, A. Muňnoz1, H. Solar1

            C.E.I.T, san Sebastian, Spain

            1University of  Navarra, Pamplona, Spain



Session C17: FLASH

Chair: Kari Halonen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland



16.40:  C17.1: A 6bit, 1.2 GSps low-power flash-ADC in 0.13 mm digital CMOS

C. Sandner, M. Clara, A. Santner, T. Hartig, F. Kuttner

            Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach, Austria




17.05:  C17.2: A 1. GS/s, 16 times interleaved track and hold with 7.6 ENOB in 0.12 mm CMOS

            S.M. Louwsma. E.J.M. van Tuijl, M. Vertregt, P.S.S. Scholtens, B. Nuta

            MESA+, University of Twente, Enscchede, The Netherlands


17.30:  C17.3: 4 GB/s track and hold circuit using parasitic capacitance canceller (S)

            T. Sato, S. Takagi, N. Fujii, Y. Hashimoto1, K. Sakata1, H. Okada1

            Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

1STARC, Yokohama, Japan




Chair: Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel, University of Munich, Germany



16.40:  C18.1: A cavity channel SESO embedded memory with low standby-power techniques

B. Atwood, T. Ishii, T. Watanabe, T. Mine, N. Kameshiro, T. Sano, K. Yano

            Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi,  Kokubunji, Japan


17.05:  C18.2: High-bit-rate low-power decision circuit using InP/InGaAs HBT technology

            K. Ishii, H. Nosaka, M. Ida, K. Kurishima. M. Hirata, T. Enoki, T. Shibata

            NTT Photonics Laboratories, NTT, Kanagawa, Japan


17.30:  C18.3: 1-58 Gb/s PRBS generator with <1.1> ps RMS jitter in InP technology

            H. Veenstra

            Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands



19.30:  Conference Dinner



Thursday, September 23


08.40: Presentation ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2005


09.00: Joint Plenary  Keynote Presentation 5

            Chair: Thomas Skotnicki, STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France

            Speaker: Richard Friend, Cambridge University, United Kingdom

            “Organic electronics for LED applications”


09.40:  Coffee Break


10.10:  ESSCIRC Plenary Session 3

            Chair: W. Simbuerger, Infineon Technologies, Germany

            Speaker: Gene Frantz, TI,  Houston, U.S.A.

" DSP, a technology, a product, a revolution”



Session C19: PLL &DLL

Chair: Werner Simbuerger, Infineon Technologies, Germany


10.50:  C19.1: A 10 GHz SiGe OC192 frequency synthesizer using a passive feed-forward loop filter and a half rate oscillator

            A. Maxim

            Integrated Products, Monterrey, U.S.A.


11.25:  C19.2: A 10 GHz frequency synthesizer for 802.11a in 0.18 mm CMOS

            N. Pavlovic, J. Gosselin, K. Mistry, D. Leenaerts

            Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


11.40:  C19.3: A low jitter triple-band digital LC PLL in 130 nm CMOS

            N. Da Dalt, E. Thaller, P. Gregorius1, L. Gazsi1

            Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach, Austria

            1Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany


12.05:  C19.4: A 0.8-8 GHz 9.7mW analog-digital dual-loop adaptive-bandwidth DLL based multi-phase clock generator (S)

            T.-T. Liu, C.-K. Wang

             National Taiwan University, Tapei, Taiwan


            C19.5: Digital delay locked loop with open-loop digital cycle corrector for 1.2 GHz/s/pin double data rate SDRAM (S)

            C. Jeong, C. Yoo, J.-J. Lee, J.Kihk1

            Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea

            1Hynix Semiconductor, Ichon, Korea




Chair: Jan Sevenhans, LEA ABC, Antwerpen, Belgium


10.50:  C20.1: A small ripple regulated charge pump with automatic pumping control schemes

            S.-E. Kim, S.-J. Song, J.K. Kim, S. Kim, J.-Y. Lee, H.-J. Yoo

KAIST, Daejeon, Korea


11.15:  C20.2: A mixed-signal chip with HV-protected plus in 0.35 mm based HV-technology

            W. Van de Maele, F. Stevens, A. Huot-Marchand, B. Sekerkiran

            AMI Semiconductor Belgium, Oudenaarde, Belgium


11.40:  C20.3: Temperature referenced supply voltage and forward-body bias control (TSFC) architecture for minimum power consumption (S)

            G. Ono, M. Yiyazaki, H. Tanaka, N. Ohkubo, T. Kawahara

            Central Research Laboratories, Hitachi, Kokubunji, Japan


            C20.4: A Low-power clock generator for system-on-chip (SoC) processors (S)


            Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, U.S.A.


12.05:  C20.5: A novel active feedback flyback

            J. Wouters, J. Sevenhans1, S. van hoogenbenut1, T. Fernandez2, J. Briggs3, C. Das,    S. Dupont

            IMEC, Leuven, Belgium

            1LEA ABC, Antwerpen, Belgium

            2LEA S.A., Courbevoie, France

3LEA UK, Kent, United Kingdom




Chair: Christoph Hagleitner, IBM Research, Rüschlikon, Switzerland


10.50:  C21.1: Low Temperature polycrystalline silicon TFT fingerprint sensor with integrated comparator circuit

            H. Hara, M. Sakurai1, M. Miyasaka, S.W.B. Tam2

Seiko Epson Corp., Nagano, Japan

1Seiko Epson Corp., Tsukuba, Japan

2Cambridge Research Laboratory of Epson, Cambridge, United Kingdom


11.15:  C21.2: Quadrature oscillator with pre-distorted waveforms for application in MEMS-based mechanical spectrum analyzer

            G. de Graaf, L. Mol, L. Rocha, E.Cretu1, R.F. Wolffenbuttel

            Delft University of Technology

1Melexis, Tessenderloo, Belgium


11.40:  C21.3: High-sensitivity, high-dynamic range 768x576 pixel CMOS image sensor

            W. Brockherde, A. Bussmann1, C.Nitta, B.J. Hosticka, R. Wertheimer2

            Fraunhofer Institute of Circuits and Systems, Duisburg, Germany

            1Helion GmbH, Duisburg, Germany

            2BMW Group Forschung und Technik, Munich, Germany


12.05:  C21.4: A colour 3200 fps high-speed CMOS imager for endoscopy in bio-medical applications (S)

            F. Lustenberger, M. Lehmann, L. Cavalier, N. Blanc, W. Heppner1, J. Ernst1,      St. Gick1, H. Bloss1

            CSEM, Zurich, Switzerland

            1Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, Germany


            C21.5: A 16x16 pixel range-finding CMOS image sensor (S)

            D. Stoppa, L. Viarani, A. Simoni, L. Gonzo, M. Malfatti, G. Pedretti

            ITC-irst, Trento, Italy



12.30:  Lunch Break




14.00: ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2003 Paper Award Session



14.15: Joint Plenary Keynote Presentation 6

            Chair: Andreas Kaiser, ISEN, University of Lille, France

            Speaker: Herman Casier, AMI Semiconductor Belgium, Oudenaarde, Belgium

            “Technology considerations for Automotive”





Chair: Frederic Stubbe, STMicroelectronics Belgium, Belgium


15.15:  C22.1: A dual-mode low-pass filter for 802.11b/bluetooth receiver

A. N. Mohieldin, E. Sánchez-Sinencio1

            Texas Instruments, Dallas, U.S.A.

1Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, U.S.A.


15.40:  C22.2: An integrated laser radar receiver with resonance-based timing discrimination

            J. Pehkonen, J. Kostamovaara

            Dept. Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Oulu, Finland

16.05:  C22.3: A low power highly linear 2.4 GHz CMOS receiver front-end using current amplifier (S)

            I. Kwon, K. Lee

            KAIST, Daejeon, Korea


            C22.4: Fully integrated ultra wide band CMOS low noise amplifier (S)

            C. Grewing, M. Friedrich, G. Puma, C. Sandner1, S. van Waasen, A. Wiesbauer1, K. Winterberg

            Infineon Technologies, Dusseldorf, Germany

            1Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach, Austria


16.30:  C22.5: A 100 MHz timing generator for impulse radio applications (S)

            C.-P. Wu, H.-W. Tsao

            National Taiwan University, Tapei, Korea




Chair: Stephane Donnay, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium


15.15:  C23.1: A chopped Hall sensor with programmable ‘true-power-on” function

M. Motz, D. Draxelmayr, T. Werth, B. Forster

Infineon Technologies Austria, Villach, Austria


15.40:  C23.2: An EMC-robust high voltage system-on-chip (S)

            E. Vander Voorde, K. Appeltans, J. Alonso

AMI Semiconductor Belgium, Oudenaarde, Belgium


C23.3: Circuit for readout and linearisation of sensor bridges (S)

            G. de Graaf, R.F. Wolffenbuttel

EEMC/ME, DIMES/EI, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands


16.05:  C23.4: New implantable stimulator for the FES of paralyzed muscles (S)

            J.D. Techer, S. Bernard, Y. Bertrand, G. Cathébras, D. Guiraud

            LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France


            C23.5: An analog front-end for remote sensor applications with high input common-mode rejection including a 16bit ED ADC in 0.35 mm 3.3 V CMOS process (S)

            E. Compagne, S. Maulet, S. Genevey

Dolphon Integration, Meylan, France


16.30:  C23.6: A CMOS-based tactile sensor for continuous blood pressure monitoring

            K.-U. Kirstein, J. Šedivy, T. Salo, C. Hagleitner1, T. Vančura, H. Baltes

Physical Electronics Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

1IBM Research, Zurich Research Laboratory, Rüschlikon, Switzerland




Chair: Herbert Grünbacher, TU Vienna, Austria


15.15:  C24.1: A physically oriented model to quantify the dynamic noise margin

T. Gemmeke, T.G. Noll

1EECS, RWTH Aachen University, Germany


15.40:  C24.2: A 1.35 V sense amplifier for non volatile memories based on current mode approach (S)

            A. Conte, G. Lo Giudice, G. Palumbo1, S. Signorello

STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy

1DIEES, University of Catania, Italy


C24.3: A low-swing single-ended L1 cache bus technique for sub-90 nm technologies (S)

            P. Caputa, M.A. Anders, C. Svensson, Ram. K. Krishnamurthy1, S. Borkar1

Electronic devices Dept., University of Linköping, Sweden

1Circuits Research Labs, Intel, Hillsboro, U.S.A.


16.05:  C24.5: An area-efficient high-speed Reed-Solomon decoder in 0.25 mm CMOS (S)

            A.G.M. Strollo, N. Petra, D. De Caro, E. Napoli

            University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy


C24.6: A dual mode channel decoder for 3GPP2 mobile wireless communications (S)

            C.-C. Lin, Y.-H. Shih, H.-C. Chang, C.-Y. Lee

National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan


16.30:  C24.7: A 2.5 Gbps – 3.125 Gbps multi-core serial-link transceiver in 0.13 mm CMOS (S)

            T. Geurts, W. Rens, J. Crols, S. Kashiwakura1, Y. Segawa1

            AnSem, Heverlee, Belgium

Kawasaki Microelectronics, Chiba, Japan


C24.8: A 4-channel 2.5 Gb/s/channel 66 DBZ inductorless transimpedance amplifiers (S)

            P.Muller, Y. Leblebici, M.K. Emsley1, M. Selim Unlü1

EPFL, Lausanne, Switserland

1Boston University Photonics Center, U.S.A.


16.55:  End of conference